It will inform you about the most common things that are responsible for premature aging of human skin. You should avoid them if you want your skin to look youthful and beautiful for as long as possible!
Basically, there are three (3) things that can significantly accelerate the aging of your skin. This is in case you are (overly) exposed to them. Anyways, here they are:
- sun,
- smoking,
- having dry skin.
Of course, there are also other factors that also affect the aging of your skin. But in general, these seems to be most problematic.
Sun Can Cause Premature Skin Aging
The first factor that will cause your skin to age faster than it should is the sun. To be more specific, especially dangerous are sun rays known as UVA and UVB light.
If you get exposed to these for at least a couple of minutes every day without protecting yourself and your skin with sunscreen, your skin will definitely suffer from premature aging!
With that said, I suggest you to wear sunscreen on your skin every minute you spend on the sun. This goes for winter times too! Do not think for a second that sun in the winter is not able to hurt your skin, because it can and it will!
Since sun is indeed stronger during the summer then it is in winter, you should wear sunscreen during the summer even if it is cloudy outside.
Do you have kids? Make sure to protect them as well! Do not let them get sunburned. Premature aged skin is not the only problem that derives from sun rays. There are even worse things like skin cancer for instance.
As you know, big part of ozone layers have been diminished by all the pollution we as human beings have caused to the mother Earth. Nonetheless, we still have a life to live and hopefully things will change soon.
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